Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Currently: December 2015

Reading... The Good Luck Girls of Shipwreck Lane by Kelly Harms. I'll be starting it on Friday. I abandoned the last book I was reading, Lighthouse Bay
Playing... nothing. 
Watching... nothing new. I still need to catch up on Limitless and a few new movies. Oh, but I have been watching Flea Market Flip this past weekend. 
Trying... to get a better job...still. I have a VERY part time job as a substitute teacher at my mom's school. But it's VERY part time and I only work if they need me.
Cooking... less. I was planning on cooking for Christmas but I was under the weather. 
Eating... a lot this holiday season. 
Drinking... water. Besides, OJ in the morning and an occasional smoothie from Panera, I only drink water. 
Calling... no one. 
Texting... my boyfriend. I don't text many people. 
Pinning... frugal tips. 
Tweeting... random things; freebies, giveaways, etc. 
Going...  nowhere. I went to school to sub for a few days earlier this month and now for the past 2 weeks, except Christmas I've been stuck in the house sick.
Loving... my boyfriend like always :) 
Hating... that I haven't been feeling well. I'm getting over a sinus infection and a stuffy ear filled with fluid. 
Discovering... that a car may benefit me and that I definitely need to start saving to get my own place. I need to get out of this rut and advance in my life. 
Thinking... about my future. 
Feeling... sick for a few weeks now. 
Hoping (for)... a better 2016. 2015 has been rough. 
Listening (to)... nothing in particular. 
Celebrated... Christmas Eve and day with my mom's family. 
Smelling... nothing. 
Ordering... nothing. 
Considering... nothing. 
Starting... nothing. 
Finishing... 2015.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Currently: November 2015

I know I'm a week behind my currently post for November, but things were a little hectic at the end of last month. With further ado, here's what happened in November. 

Reading... Nothing. I've stopped Lighthouse Bay by Kimberley Freeman. It wasn't holding my interest. 
Playing... Temple Run 2 a lot. I'm addicted again. 
Watching... Blindspot and Limitless. Those are my new go to shows (even though I do need to catch up on both). And still watching cooking shows. 
Trying... to get a better job...still. I have a VERY part time job as a substitute teacher at my mom's school. But it's VERY part time and I only work if they need me.
Cooking... less but I did make stuffing and mashed potatoes for Thanksgiving. 
Eating... less these days. I want to lose weight, so I'm trying really hard to eat less. 
Drinking... water. Besides, OJ in the morning and an occasional smoothie from Panera, I only drink water. 
Calling... no one. 
Texting... my boyfriend. I don't text many people. 
Pinning... nothing. I haven't really been on Pinterest in awhile. 
Tweeting... random things; freebies, giveaways, etc. 
Going...  out more these days.  
Loving... my boyfriend like always :)
Hating... that the new year is coming quickly. Time goes way too fast. 
Discovering... that a car may benefit me and that I definitely need to start saving to get my own place.
Thinking... about my future. 
Feeling... down lately. 
Hoping (for)... a better 2016. 2015 has been rough. 
Listening (to)... nothing in particular. 
Celebrated... Thanksgiving with my dad's family this year.  
Smelling... nothing. 
Ordering... Christmas presents. 
Considering... being a preschool head or assistant teacher
Starting... a better part time job at a speech pathologist office. I work in the office and I work with the kids 3 days a week. I'm still subbing but I get more paychecks here. 
Finishing... my event and wedding planning course....still. I know, I know! It's so boring so I'm dragging my feet with it. 

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