Monday, December 16, 2013


This weeks themes:
enjoying, buying, forgetting, drinking, anticipating

I'm currently enjoying the holiday season this year. My first Christmas and New Years with my fiance. I love it!

I'm currently buying presents for my parents and stuff for myself while I'm at it. There are really good deals going on! 

I'm currently forgetting to budget my money, to spend money on what I really need (like at CVS and Rite Aid), to use my coupons (I love them! Yes, I'm a couponer and I'm not afraid to admit it), to bake for my cookie swap, and much more. I have so many things going on and so much on my mind, that I'm forgetting a lot. 

I'm currently drinking water. I love water and I don't drink soda at all; never did and never will. Besides water I only drink orange juice, other juices, milkshakes, and those specialty drinks at Cinnabon and places like that. 

I'm currently anticipating Christmas and New Years Eve and Day! 

xx Courtney


  1. There is absolutely nothing wrong with be a couponer!!

  2. I wish I was good at couponing! I've tried it with small success, but that show Extreme Couponing blows my mind.

  3. <3 I hope you had an amazing Christmas, dear! :-)


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