Tuesday, May 27, 2014


writing, visiting, learning, wanting, loving

I'm currently writing nothing. I haven't had any motivation to write stories, blog posts, or anything. I hope to get back into writing, I love it; but I'm having writers block. 

I'm currently visiting the beach more now since it's warmer out. I went yesterday and it was so nice to just sit there and relax, listening to music. 

I'm currently learning what a freegan is and how to save money. If I can get it for free, I'll grab it. Except for clothes, I don't believe in paying a lot or anything for certain things. If I can save money from certain things and put it towards better and important things, I'll do it. I'm all about saving money, reusing things, using coupons, and getting stuff for free. 

I'm currently wanting new clothes and to go shopping! I also want a better job, to travel this summer, and my own apartment. 

I'm currently loving the beach, the warm weather, the fact that's it's also summer, the sunshine, reading more, and so much more. I could go on forever. 

xx Courtney 

1 comment:

  1. I love how honest you are!! some people just write for the sake of it but its great that your honest about it as we all go through it :) cant wait for you to get back blogging :)



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